Useful Tips for Study : For FE Students

Study During the Semester

1 Study is a continuous process. Everyday study is absolutely essential for a prosperous career.
2 A good scoring is required even after getting admission in Engineering. Just passing is not enough. Many Industries allow only those candidates in interview who have obtained Ist class in all semesters.
3 Whether you go for a job or for business or in higher education, your knowledge is the Prime requirement. Hence, first acquire the knowledge & then also be an Exam-cracker.
4 Your knowledge is built up only by proper study of every subject. All subjects in 1st and 2nd semester in Engg. Degree have extensions in higher Semesters. Hence in-depth study of subjects like Mathematics, BEE, Mechanics, Structured Programming etc. is absolutely essential.
5 Every student of 1st year Engg. must study at least 5 to 6 hours while college goes on and at least 10 to 12 hours on holiday. This study should be
  • Exclusive of your term work and assignments.
  • Consisting of Exhaustive practice of examples and not just of reading them.
  • Exclusive of study in Coaching Classes.
  • Divided into slots of 2 hours per subject and the entire study should be in proportion of 20% for main 4 subjects and 10% for other 2 subjects.
  • Should have a complete own time table and should be followed under any circumstances. A copy of this time table should be given to your parents for cross checking from them.
6 Internal Exams in Colleges have weightage in the final results. Study well for them & attempt those Exams Seriously.
7 A regular study will be of great use which is realized at the end of the semester. It greatly relives the 11th hour study. At the end of the semester you should concentrate on the Exam practice.


Exam Practice

8 Exam orientation is the practical approach to study. You should carefully divide topics into 4 parts as follows :
  • Very Easy :  About 20% of syllabus
  • Manageable : About 50% of syllabus
  • Tough but Manageable with proper techniques : About 20% to 25% of syllabus
  • Very tough (may not be able to attempt in exam) : About 5% to 10% of syllabus
9 You should decide your aim of achievement (but it should not be less than 80% in any case). Based on it, you may leave a very few parts of syllabus for option (not more than 10%) and work effectively on the remaining portion thoroughly.
10 Buying University Question Paper set (not its solution set) is highly recommended. Study the Question paper pattern (Blueprint) in detail. See the type of Question asked and number of times the questions are repeatedly asked in Exam.
11 Don't leave any entire chapter for option, because all questions are of Assorted (Mixed) type in Exam.(In exam a question is not based on a single chapter but each sub question can be based on different chapters. If an entire chapter is kept for option, you are likely to loose 33% to 50% of marks of a question.)
12 You can solve minimum 2 to 3 University question papers per subject at home in one sitting within stipulated time with honesty. It should be like a stimulation of University Exam. You should study thoroughly for it for one day and prepare for it as if it is the final exam. This paper should be selected from paper set at random or you can ask your parents to select a paper for you. (Preferably select a paper from last 2-3 years.) Also such papers can be assessed from our Classes at a normal charge.


Before the Exam Hours

13 These hours are extremely important. Be relaxed. Don't panic or don't get tensed. Don't start preparing any new topic at this moment. Just go through all topics which are prepared by you and revise all the methods quickly. Tricky or long & laborious methods can be remembered in steps.

All the methods must be prepared by writing. For theory papers, practice diagrams. Theory steps  can be remembered in terms of points and can be elaborated in exam. Also be sure that you can complete all these theory questions within time within required Quality and Quantity.


Study exam time table carefully. If there is 2-3 days gap (or more gap) for simple papers, then first few days can be spent in preparing for some other paper. Don’t involve in any other activities (like   taking admission for next semester in  classes or meeting friends etc.) in these days. Also, don’t underestimate simple papers. Have an adequate study of them also.


Take sufficient rest. Have a sleep of  5 to 6 hours a day during exam time. Extra study or less amount of sleep may create excess tension and may adversely affect your exam performance. Have proper meals on time. Don’t have any junk food / spicy food / cold drinks during exam period.



During Exam Hall


Read the ‘Note’ part carefully. See which questions are compulsory. Generally question no.1 is
compulsory. Some rules are given in the notes (e.g. Assumptions made should be clearly mentioned, or write answers to all sub-questions in sequence etc.) which need to follow.


Read the questions quickly. Start with the simplest question. Also select those questions on priority which are likely to consume less time. Once a question is selected, attempt it fully with its all sub questions (a, b, c etc.). Start every sub question from new page. A lengthy sub question should be started  from left page, in order to minimize mistakes. Rough work must be done by pencil on the last (left) page. Use only black or blue coloured pens. All figures/diagrams can be preferably drawn by pencils (HB make). Keep a ruler, eraser & 2 sets of pens with you. 


While selecting a question first analyse how much can you score in it. e.g. in a question of 6 + 6 + 8  = 20 marks, suppose you are likely to score 6 + 0 + 6 = 12 marks. In other similar question, you are likely to score 3 + 3 + 4 = 10 marks, then select the first question. Your own judgment is extremely important. A wrong selection of question may incur a heavy loss of marks.


Don’t attempt extra questions. This will not help in scoring but it is only time killer. Instead, attempt only those questions which are required to attempt. (Out of Q.2 to Q.6, any 3 questions are to be solved.)


Try to attempt the questions completely. As far as possible don’t leave any question incomplete, as it may not result in sufficient marks. Highlight the important steps final answers, so that the examiner can easily notice them.


Start solving the paper with adequate speed. In general, try to complete your paper half an hour
before the ending time. Try to attempt at least 80 to 90 percent of paper.


If you get stuck up in any question, try to remember steps just for a few seconds. Don’t spend extra time in it. Rather keep required space for its completion and go for the next question. After
completing the paper half an hour before, you can go back to those incomplete questions and try to attempt them in 15 minutes. Due to completion of remaining paper, you are likely to complete these pending questions easily.


In the last 15 minutes, check your answer paper thoroughly. Check steps in detail (but quickly). If
you may find some mistake, rectify them. It is observed that during this process, about 5 to 10 marks may be gained. (Remember, even a difference of ½ mark may convert a failure into passing. Hence strive for every mark.)


Utilize the given time completely. Even if you finish your paper earlier, don’t leave exam hall at that time. Do check your paper or try incomplete / not attempted parts of selected questions. Concentrate only on your paper and don’t help anybody. Also, do not take help from anybody. 


If any paper is found to be difficult, don’t think on it much and move on to the study of next paper. Don’t let your future performance to get affected. Discuss just a few points with your friend about the past papers. In fact; during exam time minimize your interactions with friends.